Preparing your submission

This page contains information on how to prepare your submission for NIME2025. You should read this together with the call for submissions

Format and Templates

All NIME submissions involve a PDF document using the latest release of our templates.

The template you use should depends on the type of submission you are making:

Track Template Columns Anonymised?
paper paper 2 yes
music music 1 soft (no names)
workshop music 1 no

We provide templates in LaTeX .tex and Word .docx format. We highly suggest using the LaTeX templates as they produce a much more consistent end product. Many NIME authors use Overleaf as their LaTeX editor/word processor which provides code and rich text views of your work.

You can easily download the respective .zip file and upload it directly on Overleaf for editing.


NIME review for the paper and music tracks are double blind; i.e., the reviewers don’t know who the authors are and the authors don’t know who the reviewers are. To enable this, we ask that all paper and music submissions are anonymised. All paper category submissions must be anonymised so that no description or information that can reveal the authors’ identities is included in the submission (e.g., detailed descriptions of locations, projects names, linked websites, images with faces of authors). Citations to the authors’ previous work should preferably be cited in the third person to enable proper review (e.g., “As described in our previous work [4]” should be “As described by Martin et al. [4]). If this is not possible, specific references may be anonymised.

For music submissions, author names should not appear in the PDF submission, video documentation or account names that are linked from submissions. In the interest of practicality, you don’t have to blur or obscure faces in videos or images.

The obvious presence of author names in paper or music submissions is grounds for rejection prior to review.

Workshop submissions do not need to be anonymised.

Submission Website

All NIME submissions need to be uploaded to our submission website on CMT:

Please note that author names must be entered accurately in CMT by the submission deadline. Authors cannot be added or removed to papers after they have been submitted.

Media and supplementary material

Music submissions must include video documentation of the proposed work as a link or upload as Supplementary Material in CMT. Many papers will also include a link to video documentation of aspects to the work, similarly this can be a link or Supplementary Material.

Linked media is encouraged as part of NIME submissions to gain a full understanding of the work. One media file upload is available in CMT as part of your submission. For external media, please use a link to a streaming site (YouTube, Vimeo, Bilibili) with an account that does not obviously give away author names or contain other videos giving away author names.

Here are instructions for uploading media material, particularly for music track submissions:

  1. Prepare one documentation video for your submission, please make sure that the video does not contain author names or affiliations. We recommend you use a video compression application such as Handbrake to ensure that your files are a reasonable size. For example, 4mbps 1080p video and 256kbps stereo audio encoding will produce a high quality 15-minute video file under 500MB.
  2. Option 1 (easiest): upload as Supplementary Material in CMT. You need to create a submission first, then the “Upload Supplementary Material” link will appear in CMT’s Author Console (link to help documentation). For music submissions, you can upload a video of up to 700MB in .mp4, .mov, .mkv formats. This is sufficient for a NIME-length videos (e.g., a 15-minute video with 4mbps video encoding and a 256kbps audio track will be ~485MB). You may wish to note in your PDF submission that your video is uploaded as Supplementary Material.
  3. Option 2 (a bit harder): upload to a streaming site. You need to create an reasonably anonymous account at a streaming site (Vimeo is known to work, see this example of an anonymised video), upload your file, provide the video link in your submission PDF so that reviewers can find it.

Please note:

  • Do not submit a video link from an account with obvious author names (e.g., your portfolio YouTube account) or with other videos that contain author names and affiliations.
  • Media submissions for review do not have to include multi-channel uncompressed audio or high-bitrate video. Reasonable quality 1080p files are acceptable (e.g., 4mbps video + 256kbps stereo audio). Keep in mind that reviewers will look at your work on a regular computer, likely with stereo speakers or headphones.
  • We do not suggest using file sharing links (e.g., Dropbox, Google Drive, etc) as they often expire which complicates the review process.

For publication-ready submissions, you may upload one media file in CMT which will be archived on with your PDF submission. We prefer that any linked media in submissions are stored on Zenodo and linked in your paper as a DOI to help ensure indefinite persistent storage.

Preparing publication-ready submissions

Accepted submissions will need to submit updated documents and media by the publication-ready (camera-ready) deadline. These documents should have author names in the same order as listed on CMT, should have all anonymous aspects re-identified and should have clearly engaged with requests for revisions by the reviewers and meta-reviewer. Please note that at least one author must register for NIME by the publication-ready deadline in order to confirm that works will be included in the program.

After the publication-ready deadline the organising committee will double check your work for correct formatting and metadata. We may contact authors to make formatting adjustments prior to the conference and we ask that authors are timely in helping us to resolve such issues.

No Deadline Extensions

NIME does not extend deadlines for paper or music submissions. We have two stage deadline with titles, abstracts and author lists due by the first deadline and the final submissions due by the second deadline.

Support during the submission process

The best way to contact the organising committee during the submission period is through the NIME Forum where committee members and the community can help solve problems with templates, CMT, and other issues.

Become a reviewer!

In general we ask that at least one of the co-authors of every NIME submission joins the review committee to assist with NIME review in at least one track (papers, music, workshops). Reviewing for NIME is a big collaborative task with around 200 people involved, most of these people are the current or recent past authors of NIME submissions.

Please fill in the reviewer form to let us know you want to join in.